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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Down with Fear-Mongering Media!

Perhaps this POV isn't as strange as I once thought:

I think the media machine has gone out of control. What is and isn't considered news anymore is becoming increasingly harmful to the public and it's time to turn things around. News service is meant to keep people informed, not keep them afraid. I can think of two ways to solve this problem.

The first one involves petitioning the networks to follow up on stories that spread fear and untruth. If people in the know start raising the bullshit flag on national television and work hard to destroy the dominance currently held by pundits, the general populace can stop living in fear and start thinking for themselves.

Other than working with the existing networks, well informed persons can join together in starting a new network dedicated to debunking fearmongers. The Mythbusters have a large following and a successful model for doing just that. Truth can be entertaining.

The movement can even take a cue from Fox news because people take pleasure in proving "respected" sources wrong. We have the technology to make this work. All we need now is the people.

This movement needs a name, and it needs a forum. Until something more official pops up, use the comment thread below this blog post to share ideas about how we can stop the oppression and fear that has been running rampant through the media outlets for far too long.